Fine-tune your skincare routine

Cleanse, tone and moisturise. The three cornerstones of any woman’s day!

Rio Sonicleanse

Rio Sonicleanse

It’s so important to have a good skincare routine rather than just slapping some soap on your face and hoping for the best. The right skincare routine can help to keep your skin looking brighter, younger and firmer.

Many of us get stuck in a rut with our skincare routines and use the same products for years. Actually, it can do our skin a lot of good to change products and treatments now and again as the skin does get used to what you put on it. Plus, it’s always fun to experiment with new products!

There are three main types of skin: oily, combination and dry. Oily skin tends to be the preserve of younger women, although people with darker skins have more oiliness. If that sounds like you, then you’re lucky, as oilier skins age less quickly.

It’s a good idea to use something other than your hands to apply your cleanser, toner or moisturiser with. Using a warm flannel or muslin cloth can help to open up your pores and help to scrub off dead skin cells as well.

There are lots of machines available now to aid the skincare process, like this super Rio Sonicleanse. It’s suitable for use with any cleansing lotion and any skin types, even sensitive skin. Its rotary action creates sonic waves for a deeper and more effective clean. Sounds like fabulous news to us!

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