Fantastic flowers for a summer’s day

100 Bulb Mix

100 Bulb Mix

If you enjoy pottering about in the garden, or even just sitting in it with the kids, a drink and a good book, then you must be enjoying the recent good weather that we’ve had.

There’s nothing quite like an English garden in the summer. The sound of the bees, the brightness of the flowers and the gentle buzz of your neighbour’s lawnmower – or rather, the gentle buzz of the lawnmower that your neighbour borrowed from you last summer and hasn’t returned yet!

If you’re wondering what to plant for the summer, then bright flowers are your best and most obvious bet. It is the season that they thrive in, especially the rose. Why not plant rows of differently coloured roses for to create a gorgeous wave of colour across your garden?

Don’t forget those hanging baskets and containers as well. It’s not all about the soil and the lawn. By using baskets and plant pots, you can create many levels of colour, smell and texture. Get creative!

Other summer flowers to plant include blooming bulbs like dahlias and canas. You might also try sunflowers (gorgeous!), nasturtiums and cosmos. Your local garden centre should be able to advise on the best way to plant them.

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